If you won’t take control of improving your life, then I will. You will thank me later.

Martini Martain Newsletter 10 Lessons

Dear you,

You have been snared by my pictures and videos. You have constructed a fantasy image in your mind of who and what I am. Good.

Perhaps not knowing what else to do, you have put me on a pedestal – mentally and figuratively. This is appropriate, but does it actually achieve anything? That is, you know WHY you follow me, but you don’t know WHERE you’re following me to.

So, I say to you: Follow more closely and you’ll find out. Because, ultimately, you’re following me into power. Personal attention and advice from a woman who knows what’s best for you and only wants the best for you.

I want to set your soul free. If I have to use your money and your submission to do that, then I will.

Following me does not end when you get off. I know you’re going to come back. And each time you do, I am going to make you a little bit stronger.

You have put me on a pedestal. Some women may find that degrading. Not me.

Stepping onto the pedestal you have made for me is a powerful thing. The ideal vantage point to see what you’re made of. And I see that, in your life, you’re often disempowered and sometimes bewildered. Sometimes lost. Sometimes you feel invisible.

And then we met.

I am not lost, not invisible, I have control. And from my stance up on your pedestal, I can see down into you.

Go to via martaine.com and follow where it leads. We’ll get to know each other there and I will push you, because I want to see you grow in character and strength.

And making you grow might require harsh measures.

All for your own good.

Message me when you’re subscribed and we will begin.
